On-boarding new members quickly and easily, increasing cash-flow and freeing you up to promote your club instead of doing boring admin.

We have a few clubs on a waiting list for this service but unfortunately there is still a few things to sort out before we can roll it out to more clubs.

Booking Software Features

  • Membership sign up form
  • Auto mailers
  • Online payment
  • Membership options
  • Membership types
  • Force profile completion
  • Auto subscription payments
  • Subscription duration options
  • Pro rata option
  • Membership Admin Access


We firstly love tennis and want all clubs to be able to use great software. Thus we have discounted our product for smaller clubs.

1 - 3 courts

R350 per month

4 - 7 courts

R450 per month

8 or more courts

R600 per month

Sign Up for a Free Trial

We’ll load a URL with the booking system. Setup your courts and your schedule. This will let you see exactly how it works, you can test bookings on your laptop or mobile and give you the full experience before you sign up. You will 100% be able to manage your courts yourself. Our product is backed with great customer support.